Friday, December 31, 2010

The last day of 2010.

Whoots ~!!!
Its the last day of 2010 !!
So lemme look back this year.
This year have been treating me decently nice.
Have not experienced much drama anymore,
which means.....
PEACE !! Yes.. haha xD

This year is a wonderful year,
Despite some of the ups and downs,
promises and disappointments,
surprises and excitement,
I'm still glad how things went this year =)
Lets hope that next year would be a better one ^^

See you next year *winks*


Congratulations to the newly weds,
Mr. & Mrs. Shim !!

With warmest wishes
for the best in life
as you both look forward
to a shared future
of love, friendship,
and the wonderful closeness
that is marriage. Congratulations!"

I want to thank the newly weds for giving a chance to participate in this wedding,
and have some fun myself.
Took a few pictures and learned something new.
Met new people and gained more exposure.
Its a nice experience.

Monday, December 20, 2010


I do not want money or riches,
I just want the heart.

I do not want words only,
I just want actions.

Its just a simple wish,
from me to Santa.


I never liked promises to be broken.
From the past, to the present, and also the future.
I don't like breaking any promises.
And for being so,
I also do not like promises that other people made to me be broken.
But when most of the times they do,
I just always kept quiet and go on with life.

people who you thought will not let you down will just let you down some way.
people who you thought will not betray you will just do so.
people who made promises to you will just break them.

This is just life.
Life in this polluted world.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Snip. snip.

Been looking back at some old photos just now and realised I had nicer hair bangs last time.
So after looking at those pictures,
I suddenly decided to give myself a 5 minute haircut.
And off I go searching the house for my special tool,
the hair scissors.
and after 5 minutes,
YAY ~~
I managed to give myself nicer bangs then before.
I think. xD

P.S. Whoops, decided it too suddenly so didn't took any before and after pictures =P

Merry Christmas.

Ho ho ho !!!
Christmas is coming soon !!
And that also means New year is next,
and after that I'm leaving.
Bummer =(

And yes,
I know I haven't been updating lately..
Its because I'm having such fun that I totally don't feel like touching my blog..
So I'll try to update on what I did.
no promises ;P


Tuesday, December 7, 2010


Life seems great and finally peaceful.
But still,
something feels wrong.
As if something is missing.
I do not know what is it but the feeling is there.
The feeling is always there.
But not that strong.
Until recently, the feeling is stronger than before.
It makes me feel kinda empty inside,
although not knowing what is it that makes it empty.

Thursday, December 2, 2010


Met a friend yesterday night during dinner.
I was told of some news which totally surprised me.
After digesting the news,
it makes me wonder that things and especially people around you can change just so much in just a short period of time,
no matter for the better or worse.

I hope that things happen for the better of it and do move on with life =)

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

My first ever.

Today I'm here to share with you a very short and very true story.

Was at the airport today to fetch my aunt from UK.
One of the roads that people usually pick up people is specially blocked by the police.
So I had to stop temporarily at another road.
And due to me worrying my 11 year old brother and 12 year old cousin getting lost while looking for my aunt at KKIA,
I got out of the car for just 2 MINUTES to check of their whereabouts.

And the policemen were sooooooooooooooooooo efficient.
Just after 2 mins of my absense,
a ticket was already issued to me.

And later on after finally picking up my aunt,
I wanted to leave the airport asap but there was a bad traffic jam which usually do not happen at the airport.
It was super duper jam that my car was just at the same place for around 5-10 mins.
So I thought something serious might have happened due to the amount of policemen we saw and there were even a few ambulance waiting.

And after waiting for some time,
we finally knew what happen.
Some 'people' just got back from 'somewhere' sacred,
and then there were sooooo damn many people double parking and just walking on the road where cars need to exit the airport.
I can even see a few policemen helping those people carry their luggages and just stopping the traffic so that everyone can walk around freely without even thinking about others.
Its like a whole big village gathering there where people triple park, waving hands, hugging and walking in the middle of the road without even bothering that there is a LONG LINE of cars behind them.

And the police do not issue them any tickets for parking illegally and therefore disturb the traffic.
But issue us other people although not disturbing the traffic AT ALL.
this is what you call being "fair" to all kinds of people.