Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Must. Try.

Have been doing my internship this 2 months and I barely get to do much nowadays.
Its almsot the same routine everyday.
Work. Go home. Do some chores. Sleep.

here's my main topic for the day.
Which is
*drum rolls*

My weight.

For the past 11 months,
I have slowly started to gain weight,
but then not until recently where the rate of my body expansion doubled,
and I actually look like a round balloon.
Close friends who have known me for years have been asking me to lose that weight.
But then other friends here in KL keep saying otherwise which nowadays annoys me.
I'm obviously gaining weight like nobody's business and I still get comments that I'm very small size, this and that.
But I've finally started to stop listening to all this crap and finally wake up and deal with it.
So the below will hopefully be the last picture of my shitty and fat look.

This is the sentence that actually woke me up:-
If a person cannot control his or her weight,
then he or she cannot control the future.

P.S.I appreciate you being kind enough to me by telling me so indirectly, but I wished you telling me this earlier than by giving me sweet talks.

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