Tuesday, June 9, 2009


Thx Madona for your cheery messages...
Thx Anderson for sharing your feelings...
Thx 'someone' for waking up that early for me...
Thx fellow committees for making my day not that gloomy...
Thx Wei Xin for having all this practices...


This is a word that made me feel numb..
Everyday I will at least heard this word once or twice..

But then when you say you are sorry,
Do you really mean it ??

Does 'sorry' this word is powerful enough to cover all the mistakes or wrong doings that have been done ??

Is it really powerful enough to actually heal the pain caused by the mistakes done ??

This is something that I don't know...
And this is something that I think we should all think properly...

Does 'sorry' this single word that powerful ??

1 comment:

Siti Zaleha said...

That single word doesnt mean a thing if the person who said it doesnt mean it... Its just a random word that anyone can say... But that word could also be a word that is trully meaningful when that someone mean it sincerely... Its hard actually to know someone's heart.. So,you cheer up k dear..:) I'll be here..